Evilizers project was born from Priest Killers, Judas Priest Tribute band. As a tribute, the band, born in 2014, had the chance to play in many stages in North Italy.
Some years after, the members of the band started writing original songs and changed the name of the band in “Evilizers”. In November 2017, Evilizers decided to produce their first full lenght album, and original tribute to the classic Heavy Metal, inspired by historical bands as Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Metallica and, of course, Judas Priest.
In March 2018, “Center Of The Grave” album is complete and ready to be promoted. Evilizers start a long tour of promotional concerts to play their original songs, collecting compliments and respect by other bands in Italian metal scene. In this moment, Evilizers are still promoting “Center” in a lot of concerts and finally realized their first video of “Survival” song. In May 2018 they signed with Unholy Fire Label, that is distributing “Center of the Grave” album in whole Europe. Big news came in 2019. “Center of The Grave” is still sold in stores and during every concert and finally, from May 2019 is available also on 30 digital stores in all over the world. Evilizers sign with Ausr.ltd for digital distribution.
In the same date, will be also released a new video for “Final Goal” song, filmed in Dagda Live Club by Zezomat. Evilizers still play live, even in Europe. In August 2019 the band plays in Poland and Slovakia.