Secret Alliance: contract signed …and important guests on next album!

Secret Alliance: contract signed …and important guests on next album!

Punishment 18 Records is excited to communicate to everybody that Italian metallers Secret Alliance is now a part of the label! Secret Alliance is a new project by the Italian guitarist Gianluca Galli and the singer Andrea Ranfa. Super guests attended? Ricardo Confessori (Angra, Shaman) and Tony Franklin (Marty Friedman, Quiet Riot, David Coverdale)! Many important guests and other information will be communicated soon!

- Secret Alliance -
- Punishment 18 Records -

Punishment 18 Records รจ entusiasta di comunicare che i metaller nostrani Secret Alliance sono ufficialmente parte della famiglia! I Secret Alliance sono un nuovo progetto mujsicale ideato dal talentuoso chitarrista Gianluca Galli e dal cantante Andrea Ranfa. Super guests attesi sono Ricardo Confessori (Angra, Shaman) e Tony Franklin (Marty Friedman, Quiet Riot, David Coverdale). A breve verranno comunicati importanti dettagli!

- Secret Alliance -
- Punishment 18 Records -