Punishment 18 Records: new albums out now!

Punishment 18 Records: new albums out now!

New releases from Punishment 18 Records are coming soon. In addition to the new releases by heavy metallers Myriad Lights with “LɅMBDλ”, by the elegant Norwegian progsters Imperial Child with “Secrets of the Roman Ghost” and by the furious thrashers Merciless Attack with “Mechanical Visions”, two excellent reissues by Intruder arrive on your musical reader, the historic technical thrash/speed metal band from Nashville, namely “A Higher Form of Killing” from 1989 and “Psycho Savant” from 1991. What more could you want for the upcoming holidays than lots of new and great music to listen to while enjoying some ‘great beer? Release date: 24/11/2023! Take them!– Punishment 18 Records – arrivo le nuove uscite targate Punishment 18 Records. Oltre alle nuove uscite degli heavy metaller Myriad Lights con “LɅMBDλ”, degli eleganti progster norvegesi Imperial Child con “Secrets of the Roman Ghost” e dei furiosi thrasher Merciless Attack con “Mechanical Visions”, arrivano sul mercato due ristampe di eccellenza targate Intruder, la storica technical thrash/speed metal band di Nashville ovvero “A Higher Form of Killing” del 1989 e Psycho Savant del 1991. Cosa desiderare di meglio per le feste in arrivo se non tanta nuova e grandiosa musica da ascoltare degustando dell’ottima birra? Data di uscita? 24/11/2023. Falli tuoi!

– Punishment 18 Records –