New album
AnthenorA: hystorical Italian band under Punishment 18 Records!

AnthenorA: hystorical Italian band under Punishment 18 Records!

The hystorical Italian metal band AnthenorA has signed a record deal with Punishment 18 Records for the release of the new full-length album that will be released before the end of 2020. The moniker of the band has been inspired by Dante Aligheri’s “Divina Commedia” (Inferno ch. XXXII), AnthenorA is a frozen lake in Inferno (hell), where the betrayers of the homeland are punished. New details in a short time.

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Punishment 18 Records

La storica metal band italiana AnthenorA ha firmato con Punishment 18 Records per la pubblicazione del nuovo album in uscita entro fine 2020. Il nome del gruppo è ispirato alla “Divina Commedia” di Dante Aligheri (Inferno ch. XXXII). AnthenorA è il lago ghiacciato dove vengono puniti i traditori della Patria. Nuovi dettagli a breve.

- AnthenorA -
- Punishment 18 Records -
Punishment 18 Records